Media Response Template for Controversy Involving Partner or Supplier

This media response template is intended to serve as a starting point for developing your own messaging and holding statements around a controversy involving one of your organization’s partners or suppliers.

We recommend developing a proper communications strategy around any issue, but the template statement below contains the sort of language that has reliably steered many organizations through the early stages of a crisis.

When you need to say something quickly, you can modify the template to fit your situation, buying your organization the time it needs to consider the issue and its response more thoroughly.

IMPORTANT: Replace any placeholder text below with your organization’s name or other details of your particular issue.


[Organization Name] is aware of recent concerns involving our [partner/supplier], [Partner/Supplier Name]. We take these matters seriously and are closely monitoring the situation to assess its impact on our business and values.

[Organization Name] is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all our partnerships. We are currently engaging with [Partner/Supplier Name] to better understand the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

As we gather more information, we are evaluating our relationship with [Partner/Supplier Name] to ensure it aligns with our commitment to integrity, transparency, and responsibility. We will provide further updates as more details become available.

For any questions or concerns, please contact [Designated Contact Information].